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Girls for Change is a social impact imitative using innovative and mix methodologies towards the protection and development of girls. The organization focuses on providing young women/ teen mother scholarships and a safe learning center for their children. This innovative approach helps  teen mothers to have access to formal/vocational school without any interference with their studies.

All initiatives used and supported through Girls for Change approaches are gearing towards a holistic, community based and national level efforts spearheaded by  Government’s development agenda, best social practices and other tested knowledge sharing mechanisms that help to provide various training and awareness in Schools and communities.

The Girls for Change Organization (GFC) was established in 2015  to coordinate the preparation, management and oversight social impact initiatives that cater to girls and women. The Girls for Change Organization (GFC) is a non-for-profit, a social impact imitative, and a non-governmental Civil society organization aimed at empowering women and children, abandoned girls and less and underprivileged dropout high school Teen age mothers through Scholarship, after school program, sports, Trainings, moral supports through community and national level sensitization initiatives  on gender issues, supportive income generation through Village Savings and Loans Associations,  agriculture and other innovative livelihood programs to  ensuring that girl students have equal access to basic learning material and financial aid to strengthen self-esteem, and build their productivity, confidence, interdependence and leadership for national development.

To deliver on scale and to benefit the intended beneficiaries, Girls for Change engages in the development, implementation and measurement of four key services. 

Peer Health Education is a core initiative within the Girls for Change approach  that promotes positive health behaviours and lifestyle choices to support physical and mental wellness and academic success;  using a cadre of volunteered Peer Health Educators who work together to plan and implement health campaigns to promote community and national level initiatives for Women and girls.

UNFPA and the UN systems affirms that ‘’everyone has the right to enjoy reproductive health; it is the foundation for having healthy children, relationships and families’’. As part of this convictions and as part of Government’s efforts, Girls for Change considers Reproductive health as crucial and works towards a world where every child is wanted, every birth is safe and that every young person’s potential is fulfilled ensuring that  every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect through partnership.

Most of Liberia’s 4.5 population does not have adequate civic and political awareness needed for a nation building. Within this number, girls, women and youth are the greatest victims. Decisions made during and after elections directly affect services that are beneficial to these girls and women. This citizens’ lack of civic education often results into too many women and girls been excluded from participating and benefit from all democratic and as well decision-making processes. As a result, thousands of citizens mostly women and girls are suffering, underrepresented in parliament, in cabinet and as well as in other hierarchies of societies. It is now evidently clear that  many of the pre-conflict conditions that helped fuel the youth’s participation in what was a brutal civil war conflict ( i.e. exclusion from family life, society, jobs and the decision making processes as well as living under oppressive traditional and cultural systems in the rural areas) still exist today.

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Thinkers Village, Paynesville
Montserrado County, Liberia

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