Our Vision

Girls for Change Envisions an inclusive society with self-reliant girls and women who are committed to promoting solidarity, cooperation, and collaboration – supporting marginalized women and girls at all levels of society, including teen mothers and children to shape and develop a culture of peace for a violence-free, just, humane and peaceful country and the world with support and inclusion of all.

Our Mission

Girls for Change empowers marginalized women and girls, especially teen mothers and their children, to acquire equal opportunities, access to quality services, protection against sexual and all forms of violence and conflicts- creating a fairer world for all children and women.


Problems we solve

As part of our overall approach to solving issues confronting vulnerable women and girls, we identify girls and tutor-mentors, conduct community outreach, and provide social support including counseling services, referrals and connections to other social services, and secondary school scholarships.  


Early Child schooling project

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